committed consistency

Why we're campaigning
We are The Humanoids, a First Lego League Robotics Team from Long Island, New York, and we are also all dog lovers, with 10 dogs total in our families!!!! First Lego League announced that the theme of this year’s competition would be “Animal Allies.” Each team must identify an issue between animal and human interaction, propose a solution or improve upon an existing solution and share that solution. Naturally, we picked an issue that had to do with dogs.
Our “Animal Allies” Issue: The interaction between humans and their companion dogs due to behavioral issues, thereby leading to surrendering to shelters and rescues resulting in overcrowding and, in many cases, euthanasia by shelters.*
The Humanoids Solution: A CAMPAIGN TO TRAIN!!!! That’s right, we decided to campaign for dog families to make a commitment to train their dogs to avoid behavioral issues before they begin (as in Esme’s case under our “Success Stories” tab) or to address existing issues, no matter what they may be, so that their cherished companion dogs can remain with them. We have done our research and provided many Success Stories of dogs big and small, rescued or bought, to prove that, with committed consistency from families, our companion dogs’ issues can be addressed and managed and they can remain with us in our homes!
We are sharing our CAMPAIGN TO TRAIN to combat shelter and rescue overcrowding and euthanasia and to help families keep their companions dogs with them!
*99.9% of rescues do not euthanize dogs they take in but we are including rescues because they provided us with valuable information for our project and they can become full and not be able to take in additional dogs.